Global Austin Healey Sprite Registry Information

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Registry Objectives

Data Collection

A one page form, the GLOBAL AUSTIN-HEALEY SPRITE REGISTRY form, has been developed to record information about each vehicle. It includes questions about the vehicle's various manufacturing numbers and general information about the automobile's present and past condition. There are no charges to register or obtain information about an Austin-Healey Sprite from the Registry. All Austin-Healey Sprites, regardless of their condition or modifications, are wanted for inclusion into the Registry. Enthusiasts complete one form for each Austin-Healey Sprite to be registered and send it to SPRITE. Data collected from the Global Austin-Healey Sprite Registry are kept in different manners. The original Global Austin-Healey Sprite Registry form, completed by the enthusiast, along with any photographs of the automobile plus updates, are placed in a leafed clear plastic protector. Each vehicle recorded has its own plastic protector pocket. The majority of data from the original Registry form are also computerized.

To Request a Registry Form:

SPRITE, 1421 E. Chocolate Ave., Hershey, PA 17033 (717) 534-2525

The present SPRITE address and telephone listing have been the same since 1974 and they are not expected to change. This present Global Austin Healey Sprite Registry began in 1984.

Global Austin Healey Sprite Newsletter

Are you interested in receiving a newsletter devoted entirely to the Austin-Healey Sprite? SPRITE is just that type of newsletter! The idea of SPRITE newsletters began in 1985 to join enthusiasts around the world together. The newsletters cover everything of interest to the Austin-Healey Sprite enthusiast. It is produced four times each year during Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall. The newsletter size is up to ten pages in length. Receiving SPRITE is easy and inexpensive. You can do it in a couple of ways. Follow the instructions and you will soon be receiving SPRITE newsletters

Subscribing to SPRITE Newsletters

Here is one way to receive SPRITE newsletters. Send four 4 1/8" x 9 1/2" number 10 letter sized envelopes to the SPRITE editor. The address is below. These envelopes will be the correct size to hold up to five standard 8 1/2" x 11" pages. Pre-address (your address) and pre-stamp (one first class postage stamp, $0.32 in the USA, per envelope) these envelopes so they can be filled with the current SPRITE issues and mailed back to you. For subscriptions outside the USA , don't send envelopes - just send an appropriate amount for the surface or air mail postage. We will do the rest for you.

Here's another way. For a donation equal to or exceeding $9.00 per year or $16.00 per two years, in US funds, we will do all the work for you. (Donations and stamps are not refundable.) Incidentally you will receive issues with color copy pages when you help support SPRITE with a yearly financial donation.

The Cost to SPRITE

Currently our cost to produce the newsletters depends upon the subscription method you choose and what country you live in. By sending pre-addressed and stamped envelopes our only cost is printing. Since it is time consuming to make up envelopes and we do not want to loose you, we are willing to do all the work if you can help with a donation. Even if you choose the donation method, you will help reduce the editors work if you will send the pre-addressed envelopes. Donations are appreciated and needed but are not mandatory. As funds become available, complimentary issues are sent to encourage more Sprite enthusiasts. These complimentary issues are expensive because we must pay for the postage, envelopes, and printing.

Sprite Articles are Needed

The SPRITE newsletter editor needs something original to print. SPRITE's appetite for newsworthy material must be met for each issue to be produced. One item is great but each issue needs to be filled. Please send articles, tech, info., new/old Sprite photos, art, cartoons, trivia, sale/want/trade items, and ads of interest to Sprite enthusiasts on a continual basis. No newsworthy items means no SPRITE newsletters.

How to Contact SPRITE

Send your stamped addressed envelopes and optional donations to SPRITE, Rick Moses (Sprite is the editor's hobby - not a business), 1421 E. Chocolate Avenue, Hershey, PA 17033. If you have any suggestions or questions please telephone at (717) 534-2525 or (717) 534-2222

While every effort is made to individually answer each of the many letters written to the editor, telephoning is the quickest and most sure method of getting through to the editor. At this time SPRITE runs on a small budget so if you call after regular business hours and get the telephone answering device but desire a return call, please let the editor know if he can call collect to your number.

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